Sculptural decoration of the basilica
The interior of the basilica underwent a major Baroque modernization in 1762-1765, when the chancel was modified. The monumental column retabulum comes from the workshop of Ondřej Schweigel. A brick backdrop with artificial marble rises from the marble base. Stucco statues of St. Benedict with a chalice, Elizabeth of Thuringia with a sceptre, St. Tekla with a lioness and St. Bernard of Clairvaux with a cross are placed at the foot of the columns. The superstructure of the sculpture of the Holy Trinity with angels holding star crowns intended for the Virgin Mary. On the left is placed St. Clare with a monstrance (often confused with Beatrice of Nazareth) and on the right is set St. Luidgarde with a cross. The monumental altar cloth of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Josef Tadeáš Rotter complements the architecture and sculptural decoration of the altar.